Faith Driven Entrepreneur

Episode 143 - Why Community Matters with Sue Alice Sauthoff

Episode Summary

Sue Alice Sauthoff, Community Manager for FDE, shares what the future of the Faith Driven community looks like.

Episode Notes

Community. It’s one of the core tenets of the Faith Driven movement. If you’ve been listening for a while, we hope you’ve heard stories from around the world that have opened up your eyes to see that FDEs are everywhere, and they’re faithfully pursuing God’s will right where they are. 

Today, we’re talking with Sue Alice Sauthoff who has recently joined the FDE/FDI team as our Community Manager. She’s going to share all the new initiatives intended to foster community among FDEs all around the world. 

We’re so excited she’s on the team, and we think after listening to this podcast, you will be too...